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14U League
12U League
10U League
8U League
6U League


Here are brief descriptions of the different volunteer opportunities. Please contact us if you need clarification. If you have some special skills, please let us know. We especially encourage women to take an active role in team leadership as coaches and managers.

Head Coach

The Head Coach is in charge of the entire team, including responsibility for softball instruction and coaching during practices and games. The Head Coach gives direction and leadership to the Assistant Coaches and the Manager. Knowledge of the game and skill in teaching softball skills is a requirement for this position, however in the younger age groups we will provide training and guidance. This leadership position is work and requires a commitment to the team, but it is also a great deal of fun and very rewarding.


The Team Manager works closely with the Head Coach, and supports the activities of the entire team, working closely with coaches and parents. The Manager organizes team activities, and typically is involved in team communication and overseeing other parent volunteers (uniforms, for example). Knows everyone on the team and is the main liaison to the commissioner. This is a fun job with much responsibility. The Manager 's function is a critical one to the success of the team. Knowledge of softball skills or rules is not required.

Assistant Coach

This person helps the coach at practices and games. There can be more than one assistant coach. One Assistant Coach functions as the Head Coach when the Head Coach is not available. While knowledge of the game and skill in teaching softball skills is very helpful for this position, we do provide training and the Head Coach provides overall direction. As with all coaching jobs, this position is work, but it is also fun and rewarding.

NOTE: All dugout personnel are required to be ACE Certified ... this certification can be completed on line. To ensure the safety of all the players, all coaches must complete an ASA (American Softball Association) background check.

Equipment Maintenance and Repair

Assist the Equipment Commissioner to count, sort, and distribute team equipment (bats, ball, helmets, catchers' gear placed in the team's equipment bag). Repair equipment, such as the pitching machines, as necessary.


The scorekeeper keeps the scorebook at games.


Help the Field Commissioner groom and maintain our softball diamonds before games. This may include replacing bases and pitching rubbers, maintaining the pitcher's mound and area around home plate, raking the infield, chalking the lines, or other activities as necessary.

PAGS Sponsorships

Interested in sponsoring your daughter’s softball team? Each season, PAGS strives to find a sponsor for every team to help cover the costs associated with outfitting the team, running the league and improving our fields. If you are interested in sponsoring a PAGS team (with your business name on the uniforms), please email our PAGS Fundraising and Sponsors coordinator, Joe Sparaco. He will contact you and provide more information.  PAGS is a volunteer-run organization, and uses funds solely for the benefit of girls’ softball.  All Sponsors with daughters registering for the PAGS Spring league will receive a 100% rebate on one registration fee. The sponsorship deadline is January 31, 2009.

For additional sponsorship information, please see our “Sponsor’s Page” or contact PAGS at